Crisis and other resources
National Suicide Hotline 988
Tennessee Mobile Crisis 855-274-7471
If you are in physical danger 911
If you are not safe in your home, call the Domestic Violence hotline: 800-799-7233
If you have been sexually assaulted and do not wish to involve the police at this time, you may call the Sexual Assault Hotline: 800-656-4673
If you suspect or know of a child being abused or neglected, call: 877-237-0004
If you or your child(ren) have runaway and need help, you can call the Youth Homeless/Runaway Hotline: National: 800-786-2929 or Knox County, TN: 865-523-2689
If you are concerned about a missing child or adult call your local law enforcement agency: Knoxville Police non-emergency: 865-215-7450; Knox County Sheriff non-emergency: 865-215-2444 or dial 911
Mental Health